What is SALOME?

SALOME is an open-source software that provides a generic platform for Pre- and Post-Processing for numerical simulation. It is based on an open and flexible architecture made of reusable components.

SALOME is a cross-platform solution. It is distributed as open-source software under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. You can download both the source code and the executables from this site.Salome screens

How SALOME can be used?

SALOME can be used as standalone application for generation of CAD models, their preparation for numerical calculations and post-processing of the calculation results.

SALOME can also be used as a platform for integration of the external third-party numerical codes to produce a new application for the full life-cycle management of CAD models.

ALOME key features

* Supports interoperability between CAD modeling and computation software (CAD-CAE link).
* Makes easier the integration of new components into heterogeneous systems for numerical computation.
* Sets the priority to multi-physics coupling between computation software.
* Provides a generic user-friendly and efficient user interface, which helps to reduce the costs and delays of carrying out the studies.
* Reduces training time to the specific time for learning the software solution based on this platform
* Provides access to all functionalities via the integrated Python console.

What you can do with SALOME?Module screens

* Create/modify, import/export (IGES, STEP, BREP), repair/clean CAD models
* Mesh CAD models, edit mesh, check mesh quality, import/export mesh (MED, UNV, DAT, STL)

* Handle physical properties and quantities attached to geometrical items
* Perform computation using one or more external solvers (coupling)
* Display computation results (scalar, vectorial)
* Manage studies (create, save, reload)