Microchip and Digilent cooperate

Microchip announces expanded capabilities for the 32-bit PIC32 microcontroller-based chipKIT Development Platform for the Arduino community.  


In addition to launching two shields for the chipKIT platform, the chipKIT Basic I/O Shield and Network Shield, Microchip and Digilent have developed new online support resources for the Arduino community, including a software library for Ethernet, CAN and USB, as well as an online chipKIT forum and wiki.

The platform consists of two PIC32-based development boards and open-source software that is compatible with the Arduino programming language and development environment.



The chipKIT hardware is compatible with existing 3.3V Arduino shields and applications, and can be developed using a modified version of the Arduino IDE and existing Arduino resources, such as code examples, libraries, references and tutorials.

The new chipKIT Basic I/O Shield (TDGL005) is compatible with the chipKIT Uno32 and Max32 boards, and offers users simple push-buttons, switches, LEDs, I2C EEPROM, an I2C temperature sensor, and a 128 x 32 pixel organic LED graphic display. The chipKIT Network Shield (TDGL006) enables users to implement 10/100 Ethernet, USB OTG and CAN communications using the chipKIT Max32 development board.