ESA United Kingdom

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ESA United Kingdom
Updated: 3 years 31 weeks ago

Space-powered virtual clinic boosts remote healthcare

Fri, 28/05/2021 - 08:14

People with chronic illnesses are now able to manage their conditions from home thanks to a satellite-enabled interactive virtual clinic that has been successfully trialled by the NHS.

Called CliniTouch Vie, the platform uses telecommunications to connect patients to their medical teams via remote monitoring of some vital signs and video consultations, and provides useful local air quality information.

Categories: News in English

How ESA boosts climate education

Thu, 27/05/2021 - 08:37

A series of fascinating new learning resources are enabling teachers in the UK to encourage the next generation of climate pioneers.

The freely available lesson plans and activities – which add to ESA’s portfolio of space-powered climate learning materials – were highlighted at the Climate Change Teacher Conference, a live-streamed online summit for British primary and secondary school educators that took place this week.

Categories: News in English

How space data helps hidden vulnerable communities

Fri, 14/05/2021 - 14:21

Space-based technology that enables charities and local authorities to deliver vital support to the people who need help as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has been successfully piloted in the UK.

Categories: News in English

ESA to host new climate modelling hub in the UK

Tue, 11/05/2021 - 10:43

A new international project office that will support climate modelling activities and help to boost global understanding of the changing environment is to be hosted by ESA.

Categories: News in English

UK Space Agency projects added to ESA's SDG portal

Wed, 28/04/2021 - 05:44

The UK Space Agency has become the first external contributor to ESA’s catalogue of projects that support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 43 UK Space Agency projects join over 700 examples of how ESA itself is applying space technology, data and systems to build a better and more sustainable future for all.

Categories: News in English

Space and time

Wed, 21/04/2021 - 15:15
Image: Tim Peake on-board the International Space Station
Categories: News in English

Celebrate Earth Day with ESA

Mon, 19/04/2021 - 11:05

At ESA, every day is Earth Day. As we humans continue to subject our home planet to increasing pressures, we are better placed than ever to understand and monitor the consequences of what we inflict. Astronauts onboard the International Space Station give us the human perspective of how beautiful Earth is, while satellites orbiting above return systematic measures to take the pulse of our planet 24 hours a day.

These measurements allow us to understand how Earth works as a system and how human activity is changing natural processes, leading to climate change. This information is fundamental to global climate policy-making through international bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and UN Climate Change Conferences, the next being COP26 later this year.

Celebrate Earth Day with ESA with this compilation of content and activities now available.

Categories: News in English

Space technology to shape hospital of the future

Thu, 01/04/2021 - 15:45

Plans for a pioneering space-enabled hospital that will enhance patient care and ease pressure on hard-working NHS staff are being supported by a collaboration between ESA and the UK Space Agency.

Categories: News in English

Apply now to become an ESA astronaut

Wed, 31/03/2021 - 07:30

Applications are now open to become an astronaut at the European Space Agency and all qualified candidates are encouraged to put themselves forward.

Categories: News in English

Second Scout gets the go-ahead

Tue, 30/03/2021 - 07:55

Following the selection of the first Scout satellite mission last December, ESA has also given the greenlight to start negotiations with Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd in the UK to lead the development of the second Scout mission – HydroGNSS.

Categories: News in English

Measuring shoreline retreat

Mon, 29/03/2021 - 09:45

Climate change is having an undeniable influence on coastal areas. A substantial proportion of the world’s sandy coastlines are already eroding owing to increased storm surges, flooding and sea level rise. With our coastal environments in constant change, Earth observation satellites are being used to better strengthen our knowledge of changing coastlines.

Categories: News in English

ESA boost for UK space transportation initiatives

Wed, 24/03/2021 - 14:00

As part of its Boost! programme, ESA has signed two new contracts which support UK-based Orbex and Skyrora in their separate proposals for new commercial launch services for small satellites. These services are set to start in the UK from 2022.

ESA has awarded €7.45 m of co-funding to Orbex and its partners, and €3 m to Skyrora.

Categories: News in English

How is ESA helping to curb climate change?

Tue, 23/03/2021 - 10:56
Video: 00:02:08

As the climate crisis continues to impact life on Earth, ESA is using data beamed to the ground from satellites to boost scientists’ understanding of the evolving environment and help people cut planet-warming emissions.

These activities are coordinated by the ESA Climate Office, a focal point for climate-related projects that is based at the agency’s European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications in the UK.

In this video, Paul Fisher, knowledge transfer and communications manager at the Climate Office, explains the role of space in tackling climate change.

Since the pre-industrial era, Earth’s temperature has risen by around 1°C. This is linked to many other changes, including rising sea-levels and receding glaciers.

The Climate Office delivers the ESA Climate Change Initiative, a research programme that transforms satellite data into global climate observations that are increasing understanding of these long-term trends.

Data from the initiative is enabling climate modellers to better predict future changes to the polar ice sheets, oceans and forests as the world continues to heat up.

Governments and organisations can use these forecasts to make decisions that will help to limit global warming and enable society to adapt to its effects.

Categories: News in English

Visit ESA virtually with new Discover ESA platform

Fri, 05/03/2021 - 10:07

Do you want to visit all ESA establishments and see what we’re doing to explore space and protect our planet? Now you can, by taking virtual tours from your own homes, thanks to the Discover ESA interactive experience.

Categories: News in English